Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Why is the U.S government trying so hard to appease muslims?

before i get badgered for being a "racist" first off muslims are not a race they are the subjects of islam, a religion. Im pissed off that our government is going to ridiculous lengths to appease muslims that cry " oh boo-hoo America ,stop being American its offending us" And all these liberals support it because they think its the right thing to do, that we should stop acting American to make them all happy, so we can't even be happy about our own culture. Now that i've got that out let me explain my reasons for my anger. number 1. The Ground Zero Mosque- im all for freedom of religion, really i am. i just don't think that its a good place for it, even American muslims are against it because they even admit its insenstive. yet meanwhile we have to be "sensitive" to them. on top of that there is evidence supporting that the man funding the operation may be linked with terrorist groups, and he refuses to tell anyone where he got the money to build the mosque. on top of that throughout history, muslims have built mosques over cites of their "victories". reason 2. Obama bowed to the king of Saudi Arabia. no president, i mean no president has ever, EVER , shown any sign of weakness to any other leader on purpose yet he purposely bowed his head in front of the arab leader. last time i checked in the arab culture thats a sign of submission. reason 3. we try to great lengths to be kind and curtios to arabs in their home countries which is fine by me, we're there its their home, fine. heres where i draw the line. when the military CAN'T DO THEIR JOB BECAUSE THEIR CULTURE GETS IN THE WAY. in ww2, there were rules ,no one followed them. in vietnam we didn't follow the rules there either, but now all of a sudden we're ******* watching as those taliban ***** are waving AKs at us from mosques and we can't do jack ****. if it were a church, or a temple, there wouldn't be any problem. reason 5. THEY WILL HATE US NO MATTER WHAT WE DO! don't listen to the media, they hate us over there and nothing will change that no matter how hard we try, they're a people that have fought amongst each other for thousands of years and we're like the parents breaking up a bunch of toddlers. they are happy being miserable so we should just pack up and go home already. reason 6- personal bibles are being confiscated and burned by the military because they deem it "insensitive". so our brave service men and women can't read their own bibles for comfort yet have the quran waved in their face every day. i bet thats a big slap in the face. reason 7 and this one is the one that pisses me off the most- ok so i've heard recently that apparently the American flag on our uniforms is now "too insulting" to the arabs. so what do we do? do we just say "**** you its our flag we're proud of it :D" no....we decide to change the colors from red white and blue to black, grey and ******* white to "camouflage" it. for fucksake even liberals have to admit thats ****** up. thats our nation's banner. oh wait thats right. your the reason why this **** is happening, did this happen under Bush, no. granted Bush was a nutcase but at least he is more patriotic than Obama is. and to anyone that disagrees with me ,please voice your opinions, im always ready to read your comebacks, granted as long they have logical backing instead of just a simple " your a right wing racist nutcase" for the record i am not on either side of the political spectrum, in fact i hate the two party system and what its doing to America but im sure i will deal with that subject in a later post....

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